This is what all avid business news followers, market watchers & investors are doing in order to keep themselves fully informed about the latest financial news. A subscription to Wall Street Journal, or for that matter any other business daily is the only solution to keep oneself abreast with all the latest from the world of stocks, shares & commodities, apart from new mergers and company acquisitions. Here in the US, if you are looking forward to subscribing to a ‘best-selling’ business daily, it is always advised to go with a 5-Star rated subscription seller that deals in brands like the WSJ, NY Times, The New Yorker, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Economist and Barron’s. This, apart from People magazine and Autoweek, which are the most widely read entertainment and lifestyle tabloids. You can pick any of these, according to your taste and needs. Given the fact that there’s an urge among businessmen to make quick business decisions, it becomes even more imperative to subscribe to a reliable business newspaper. And, WSJ is one of them.
Why a ‘Digital Only’ Subscription Matters?
It is solely because you get all the latest and newest feed in your mobile phone, every morning. Here, I’m speaking about the entire newspaper, with all the pages. This can help you take business decisions, as required. When you see the stock & precious metal prices surge, it’s time to take a call on selling them at a greater margin. Similarly, when the prices are falling, you can always go on a buying spree. This is how a Wall Street Journal online subscription can help all you investors, market watchers and business analysts take quick and prompt action, when learning about the daily prices & rates. An online subscription to your favorite news daily can help you stay fully informed about the latest happenings, prices, trends and rates, for a particular day. And, when you get the entire newspaper on your mobile phone daily, it is definitely a valuable asset to have that can help take prompt decisions, and earn better margins, revenue & profits. A lot of new investors are now opting for an online subscription to WSJ, rather going for a ‘print only’ format.
What’s even more interesting is the price of one such newspaper subscription. When you’re with a popular service provider, the prices ought to be lower than the Newsstand rates. This is quite obvious. If you buy directly from the Newsstand, you pay the exact printed price. This is not the case, when you subscribe to a 1-year or 2-year subscription plan. Here’s what an average WSJ print & digital subscription package looks like:
Wall Street Journal (Print & Digital) 1-year subscription - $199.99
Wall Street Journal (Print) 1-year subscription - $189.99
Wall Street Journal (Digital) 1-year subscription - $99.99
Wall Street Journal (Digital) 2-year subscription - $159.95
As a new subscriber, avid reader and an ardent business news follower, you can either go for any one of the plans/packages, or subscribe to both the digital and print versions. The choice is solely yours. Since WSJ is one of the most widely read and circulated business dailies in the US, it definitely commands a huge fan following. So, the prices of this newspaper would be a slight higher than any other brand. I hope you wouldn’t mind paying more for something that is better than the rest. Would you?